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:. Seuraa euroseteleiden matkaa tammikuun 2002 alusta lähtien

:. Käyttäjäraportti (Flag for Suomi Sleijeri)

Mielenkiintoiset osumat: 2 038
Kirjattuja seteleitä: 58 471
Osumasuhde: 1 : 28.69

Liittynyt: 2007-06-07
Kirjannut setelin viimeksi: 2024-11-06 09:03:21

Sleijeri on yhteydessä 584 muuhun käyttäjään, mm.:
Flag for Suomi Mik

Kansainvälinen sijoitus: 543
Kansallinen sijoitus: 74
Kunnan sisäinen sijoitus: 1

Kirjattujen setelien arvo: 926 865 €
Kirjattujen setelien keskimääräinen arvo: 15.85 €

Setelit arvon mukaan
5 €   27 973   139 865 €
10 €   7 913   79 130 €
20 €   15 811   316 220 €
50 €   6 197   309 850 €
100 €   444   44 400 €
200 €   97   19 400 €
500 €   36   18 000 €

Top Moments
1st Hit occured in 2007-07-06 16:32:38
10th Hit occured in 2008-01-11 16:58:55
50th Hit occured in 2010-02-15 09:26:04
100th Hit occured in 2010-03-31 16:33:39
500th Hit occured in 2012-12-14 00:04:03
1 000th Hit occured in 2014-10-02 08:44:02

1st Note entered in 2007-06-07 21:47:15
100th Note entered in 2007-07-19 16:34:40
500th Note entered in 2008-06-05 17:29:46
1 000th Note entered in 2009-09-07 22:39:43
5 000th Note entered in 2010-04-20 18:47:55
10 000th Note entered in 2011-03-24 13:12:40
50 000th Note entered in 2017-03-16 04:21:24

Top day: 1063 notes entered in one day: 2014-12-23

Greatest hit duration: 4267 days
Greatest hit distance (Single hit): 7275 kilometres
Greatest hit distance (Triple hit): 2784 kilometres

2010-02-25 02:59:13 - Note entered in every minute of the day (HH:MM, total 1,440), my 2 228th note.
2010-04-21 20:53:45 - Note entered in every minute and second of the day (HH:MM:SS, total 3,600), my 5 041st note.
2012-02-29 14:26:49 - Note entered in every day of the year (non consecutive), my 11 667th note.
2014-05-20 14:10:03 - Note entered in every minute of the week (total 10,080), my 26 645th note.
2024-06-26 07:26:14 - Hit on every day of the year (non consecutive), including leap day, my 58 117th note.
2024-07-25 02:35:25 - Hit on every hour of the week (non consecutive), my 58 296th note.

Most hits in one day: 20, 2014-12-23

First notes by denomination
1. note was the first note
6. note was the first note
2. note was the first note
11. note was the first note
41. note was the first note
499. note was the first note
652. note was the first note

First notes by countrycode
1. note was the first Flag for Suomi note
2. note was the first Flag for Saksa note
3. note was the first Flag for Alankomaat note
4. note was the first Flag for Espanja note
5. note was the first Flag for Italia note
6. note was the first Flag for Irlanti note
17. note was the first Flag for Belgia note
19. note was the first Flag for Portugali note
21. note was the first Flag for Ranska note
71. note was the first Flag for Itävalta note
306. note was the first Flag for Kreikka note
849. note was the first Flag for Slovenia note
3482. note was the first Flag for Kypros note
10897. note was the first Flag for Slovakia note
11065. note was the first Flag for Malta note
24109. note was the first Flag for Viro note
54432. note was the first :flag-bg: note

- = = = = = = = = = = -

My EBTST stats
Yhteensä .:
Arvo.:4 248 983 885
Käyttäjiä.:221 793 
Seteleitä.:231 608 213 
Mielenkiintoisia osumia.:1 334 348 
Eniten seteleitä kirjanneet .:
1. Flag for Itävalta Moise3 549 907
2. Flag for Saksa ProChrist3 188 942
3. Flag for Saksa stop religions wo...3 041 469
4. Flag for Alankomaat Vermeer2 740 538
5. Flag for Itävalta H.i.n.t.i.2 518 894
6. Flag for Saksa taucher2 255 100
7. Flag for Saksa BGO2 022 544
8. Flag for Saksa Math Murderer1 971 811
9. Flag for Saksa inDUS1 949 156
10. Flag for Saksa Hilden-Itter1 869 653
Huippukäyttäjät (setelien määrä, viimeiset 7 päivää) .:
1. Flag for Saksa guntovoj.alexander14 488
2. Flag for Itävalta H.i.n.t.i.8 189
3. Flag for Itävalta pluheaVen7 922
4. Flag for Slovakia petox4 570
5. Flag for Saksa Hilden-Itter3 895
6. Flag for Saksa roberdy3 280
7. Flag for Italia araneus3 057
8. Flag for Saksa taucher2 900
9. Flag for Saksa stop religions wo...2 847
10. Flag for Saksa kiki12 842